Wednesday, April 30, 2008



Magic Jack is a small inexpensive item you can purchase that   
lets you make phone calls  to anywhere  with your
computer if you have      
high speed internet,  for only $20 a YEAR.  
Check it out!

Sunday, April 27, 2008



I hope I have piqued your
interest in Kefir. Here is a quick
way to stretch your Kefir dollar and
do it fast and easy.
Buy a 32 ounce bottle of Heloise's
Kefir. Buy two- two pound cartons
of Yoplait Graande strawberry
or peach yogurt.
Pour 1/3 of the Kefir into each carton
of yogurt.
Save the other third and fill that kefir
bottle with milk. The Kefir will grow
slowly even in the fridge. In ten days
the milk and Kefir will begin to thicken.
(If you want to make it thicken fast, leave it
out at room temperature for 24 hours)
The yogurt will be rich in Kefir as you eat it.
Every morning, I have seven tablespoons
of Yogurt mixed with 1 TBLSP of flax meal
1 tsp apricot Kernal oil and a tsp of flax
oil. I might add a little milk so I can drink it
as it is very thick.
It tastes like a strawberry or peach
malt and so good
for your health.
(you will find yourself scraping the
last remnants with a spoon)


Friday, April 25, 2008

'Those We Love Most'

'Those We Love Most'

What power we give them!

It's insane.

For they know how to hurt 

If they  wish

In a way no other can gain.

When all is well it's fine

As you bathe in love's 


But then comes the day

When something occurs

And what I once  had

Isn't mine.

As the gaping hole waits

To be mended once more

And the tears and the memories


You will find me just  old, so alone

and so free,

Hiding  under a tree in the shade.  


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Get Rid of Crab Grass

'Get Rid of Crab Grass'

Corn Gluten Meal
suppresses crab grass
Read about it.
See Link

I don't use any poisons.
Hand pulling out crab grass is hard.


Monday, April 21, 2008

KEFIR--Read about it!

KEFIR--Read about it!

Click this LINK

and find out all the
information you can
possibly want to learn
about this wonderful
Your digestive system
will thank you.
Drop the author a line
of appreciation as this
site is the result of what
looks like a LOT of WORK!


If you lose the link, I will
put it under my favorite links as well.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder Pain?

the best help on the net.

I have had shooting pains
from my wrist to my neck 
and shoulder on my right arm.
It feels like I stuck my "roller  ball"
finger in a light socket!
It hurts so bad and hits
so suddenly,  I almost pass out!
I suffered for a week and then 
remembered the above link.
I pressed  all of the shoulder points
which were all terribly painful and
now the "electric" shock pain has
left about 90%.  I like to share
anything that helps the human condition.
I think using the roller ball and clicking 
with my thumb for 12 years of a lot of 
computer work caused it.  :(
Pass that link around and write to the author.
He deserves  a Thank You! 


Friday, April 18, 2008

A RED HOT Experience

 A RED HOT Experience

Go to this LINK and see
what working with red
peppers can do to you.
YIKES Wear Gloves!


Oprah does it again!

Oprah does it again!

Oprah's recent show on no
wasting and common sense
buying really made me happy.
She is a born teacher and truly
likes this world to be a better place.
This new "recession" needs to be
spelled "depression" as it has all
the ear marks of a house of cards
beginning to fall.
It is never too late to take a look
at your spending and savings habits,
but it may be soon.
Oprah knows what is going on.
She is trying to help all of us.


Thursday, April 17, 2008



Love isn't blind

It has eyes that are bright

Words that are soft

And smiles that delight

Music that only

The blessed have heard

Yet if flounders without

An encouraging word.

Love enhanced every day

As the sun peeps anew

In jewel like reflections 

On droplets of dew

If nurtured and tended

Its essence imparts

All of life's joy

Fore'er in your hearts..


'Puppy Luv'

'Puppy Luv'

I knew that you loved me
When you said..."Come here"
So I wagged my tail and kissed you...
You rubbed me behind my ears
And I knew I would never leave you...
You scratched my tummy and I knew
I would give my life for you....
You said I was a "good doggie"
So I kissed you again


'Mother Earth'

'Mother Earth'

She made a garden
In my heart
Where all the nice things grow
Bluebells of happiness
A violets cheery face
Singing out the chorus of life
She planted springtime
With all the hope it brings
For renewal and exploration
She filled it with sunshine
And Purple flowers
So I would notice
And never feel alone.
A spring of water
Bubbling thru...fallen logs
...her undying devotion 
The woodsy fragrance... truth...
Surrounds me
Holds me..Saying
Behold..I am your Mother
All is well..
I love you.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

'Put Me In A Jar'

'Put Me In A Jar'

When I die,

A pretty jar,

Lavender and blue

'Cause I will want

To stay with you.

Not in the ground

All cold and grey

Where I will feel

So much dismay.

But in a warms    


Next to your chair

I will be quiet

You'll forget 

That  I'm there.

Kes©April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

'Jonas Brothers, When you look me in the eyes'

Jonas Brothers, 
'When you look me in the eyes'

~I LOVE this song~


Yummy Buddy Biscuit Update'

'Yummy Buddy Biscuit Update'

New Improved Buddy Biscuit recipe.

2 eggs

1 cup milk

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

2 cups whole wheat flour

1/2 cup cut up dates

1/4 cup sliced almonds

Mix thoroughly and bake in the

electric cooker pan for  twelve minutes.

Healthy and  YUMMY.

Click for Cooker


My friend made a tender filet Mignon roast

and made a sandwich with the above biscuit.

Said it was the best tasting sandwich ever! 


Sunday, April 13, 2008

60 Minutes --Important discovery

60 Minutes
- Cancer killing Machine-

Cancer Therapy Without Side Effects Nearing Trials
Click above to read about it.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

'There Will Be Blood' DVD

'There Will Be Blood'  
This movie seemed to
last forever. It made me
feel like I lived in that time.
So well acted and intriguing.
I loved it even though strong human
emotions took you on quite a ride.
Not for children.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

'Lions For Lambs"

"Lions For Lambs"
OH YES...Don't Miss This One



Monday, April 7, 2008

'Let Go Of Your Pain'

'Let Go Of Your Pain'

Let go of your pain
Or it will strangle you.
It will dominate 
your thinking.
Blinding you
to the miracles
Raining down each second
From God's own hand.
You will feel young again
and energetic.
Smiles will draw themselves
Upon your face.
Giggles will erupt from within.
A new sun will arise 
In the morning
Beckoning you outside
to inhale the essence
of your new found freedom.

Kes © 2008



I am touching time

with my fingertips

as moments fall like

seedling pearls

along my hand

and towards my feet

'fore circling out 

unto their journey

into space

A few bounce happily

into my heart.

I want to capture every one

But they hurry by 

as if to say

Wait until you 

see what follows.

Each one is shaped by God

and perceived by 

how we choose

to view His gifts.

For He  alone has 

the ultimate plan.

Savor each pearl

 and do with it

What you will...

for you are the guardian 

of your garden.

Fill it with flowers 

of every shape and hue

while learning  lessons

 that  weeds may 

 also share with you.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

'Don't Let Them Ruin Your Chocolate!'

'Don't Let Them Ruin Your Chocolate!"

Now that they have discovered
That chocolate is good for us,
Many companies are taking out
the cocoa butter,
(the part that is good for us),
substituting various
Is nothing sacred?
Watch your ingredient list. If it crumbles
like cereal when you bite it, it is the new
I hope the Dove chocolate doesn't change.
If it does, one of their quotes
inside 0f
the wrapper should be...
'Betrayal of Trust, is Shameful' 
(I LOVE Dove Chocolate)


(I think it is safe as Mars and Hershey said they aren't changing)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

'Life Goes On'

'Life Goes On'

What a roller coaster ride
We take in life
it's ups and downs
Sharp curves
Unexpected road blocks.
Steering is the answer.
You have to steer 
then pull over 
and look at the flowers.
Look off into the distance
And see how insignificant 
All is in the scope 
Of the universe.
We are on a ball
Spinning through space
And we don't fall off.
That is magical.
Get back into your car
Which is another miracle
Drive back to that place
Where peace is waiting
And love abounds.
Make it happen.



I love Oprah because:

she has done more to stop prejudice

than any other person.

she is generous to the utmost and has

a heart of gold.

she is always thinking up ways to help

people with their problems.

she is true friends with Gail and they     

both are comfortable telling each other

the truth.

she is not pretentious.  She will let you see

her without makeup.

she loves comfort and  teaches us to be comfortable.

she loves animals.

she believes in education and tries to educate

all for a better life and a better world.

she helps us see the real truth of victims of tragedy.

she introduced us to Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil who also

are dedicated to inform and show us  how to have

a happier, healthier life.

she helps us to understand those who have disabilities.

she encourages us to make a better life for our children.

she is not afraid to tackle any problem and keep us informed, 

as in the  "down low" practices that many had never heard of before.

she encourages us to read good books and even finds them for us.

she warns us to guard our children against so many possible

pit falls.

she has a sweet, beautiful, friendly face and smile that makes

all of us think we do know her personally.

she has the  cutest and most varied facial expressions

that speak volumes. 

she wants us to feel we are with her and has an online

program that lets us interact as she and others

teach us to 'live in the moment' and discard past problems.

she can work miracles because I know a former racist that 

actually said, "I  Love Oprah".

I am sleepy now as it is the middle of the night, but just know

that if it is a good thing, Oprah is for it,and will  probably 

have a show on it, if she hasn't already.

