Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Don't enter a room

Where the heart is cold

Eyes are narrowed

And the sneer is bold

For there in lies

The disease of life

That eats at you

And causes strife

That never lets

A day go by

That your discomfort

Doesn't light his eye

Don't enter a room

Where love doesn't live

Where an unhappy heart

Will never forgive.



'Finders Keepers'

'Finders Keepers'

I would introduce you

To this guy

But he is my best friend.

You two I know

Would fall in love

And that would be the end

For I would lose you both

You see.

As selfish as that seems

It just makes

Real good sense to me

True love is just

For dreams....



'Exit Line'

'Exit Line'

You can't break my heart
And just sit there!
Not saying anything!!
Tell me I am too good
for you...Damn it!


'The Prisoner'

'The Prisoner'

Who I am

And what I do

Is who I'll be

My whole life through

Yes ME!

For I won't separate

Or divide

But remain all


deep inside




'Journey into Night'

'Journey into Night'

In the darkness of the shadows

Where the truest spirit lives

All alone and wondering

What is real.

Taking time to watch and wait

To hear the bells oblivion

As the shadows lengthen

Don't join me for it is too late

You can't undo the horrid hate

Or squelch the tide

that turns and then

Takes you back again...again

And wonders how this came to be

All alone...Just me and me.

Kesti ©

March 28, 2002

'Segregate Your Heaven'

'Segregate Your Heaven'

Please segregate your heaven...Lord

Before I join you there

For mingling with some races

Is more than I can bear...

You see...I am a Christian...Lord

and as You must well know

Much better than all colored folk

And sinners down below.

I go to church each Sunday...Lord

Singing praise to you till late

I read my bible now and then

Tho it's quite out of date.

You see...

Things are quite different...Lord

We're much more learned men

We know those

Foolish laws have changed

That were in force back then.

The ones that speak of mercy

Of love for all mankind

Of bearing each others burdens

Of sharing with lame and blind.

So segregate your heaven...Lord

That when we hear deaths moan

Christians like me everywhere

May Reap what we have sown...



I wrote this many years ago

trying to shame people into

stopping their foolish bigotry.

In 43 years we have made

progress, but we still

have a long way

to go.