Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You Need to Live

You Need to Live

You need to live a long time

Before you understand

And then you really don't

Know except from what

You've surmised.

You have had time to observe

How others treat you and why

And how they treat others

without blinking an eye.

If they do it to them

They will do it to you

That is what I think

Gives you a clue

Stop doing for them

and soon you will see

How you rate

On the true friend tree.

It hurts at first

But that will change

It is better to know

Than be in their range

For peace of mind

Is a wonderful friend

It will stay with you

Until the end.

Kesti ©

October 1,2011

Mind Set!

Mind Set!

Make sure you don't get stuck in one!
For years my husband and I went hunting for agates...
We never found any bigger than a quarter.
One day when he was about twenty feet away from me,
I thought I would play a trick on him. I picked up a rock
as big as my fist and hollered at him to come and see it.
I held it up. He came running. It WAS an agate!
After that we started finding the
BIG ones!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life Tastes so Good

Life Tastes so Good

Life tastes so good

Once peace is yours

So trim that tree

Of sucker growth

Make it tall and straight

Let branches reach out

For breezes warm

Pour healing sap

Into the wounds

Make the trunk strong


You can do it!

Kesti ©October 1-2011