Virtual Travel One
After I say my prayers at night, I let my mind take me to outer space. Sometimes back
in time. Whatever mood I am in. I have been doing this for years.
The Ship
I only had to wait a few seconds on the front porch in the dark before the
saucer shaped object came out of the sky, landed and extended its ramp. It was
white with a lavender glow about it. As soon as my feet touched the ramp, I seemed to
float rather than walk to my seat. Off I went into space. I knew it was taking me to the
Purple Planet as I had been there many times before. I watched as it passed through
millions of enticing places. I felt excited. Sure a very short time
we landed on a platform that led to my favorite spa. I was helped by strong, kind, human like
assistants to the massage table. Carefully undressed and covered with a light blue weightless
fabric. Four attended me and began the wondrous massage that I had become accustomed to.
I felt like I was glowing, full of light and could feel tensions and worries lift from my body
and disappear. They left me, relaxed and almost asleep. Soon a strong warrior type came
from a side door. He lifted me up and carried me to the pool in the marble room.
It was so beautiful in there. Soft music played in the distance. The water was warm and
he slid me onto a bed/chair that let me partly sit and partly lie in the gold sparkling water.
He quietly left the room. I was in paradise. The water felt like liquid gold. My body felt like it was healed inside and out. The room was filled with one beautiful color after another.
Soon about twenty or so of the assistants gathered around the small pool. They all stared at me and smiled. They began humming a tune I remembered as a child. I woke up in my bed, the next morning, refreshed, relaxed, remembering their smiling faces.
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