Monday, August 18, 2008

My Famous Tomato Sauce

My Famous Tomato Sauce

It's time to use tomatoes
as they are ripe. I made 22 pints
of sauce today. MMMM Good!
I have been making this for years
and it is loved by all. I will now
share it with you. :)

My Best Tomato Sauce

1 stick butter

4 quarts cut up fresh  tomatoes

2 Tblsp granulated garlic

1 Tblsp cilantro

5 Tablespoons  dried Parsley 

5 Tablespoons dried Chives

1/2 tsp  dried oregano leaves

5 tablespoons sesame seeds

1 tsp or more of salt....(taste)

1 heaping  tsp dried basil

6 Tablspoons Chili powder

1 tsp  dried chervil

1 tsp red pepper (dried pepper cloves)

Place butter in large heavy stainless frying pan.

Melt and add tomatoes

add herbs 

Stir  and boil down.

(I don't peel the tomatoes

as you get more nutrition and flavor

if you don't)

Stir often and mash tomatoes 

with a masher.

I bag mine in Kapak freezer bags and heat seal.

(this sauce keeps very well when frozen)

The above recipe makes five pints.



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