Saturday, February 14, 2009

Free Sample-The BEST SALVE!

Free Sample-The BEST SALVE!

             Julie has had 15,000 requests for a free sample of her Bee Salve and has had              

many, many positive responses.  I am so in love with the salve that I am doing

a synopsis on what the users said.

(as you know, this blog

is dedicated to giving you the best advice on anything

that I believe in)

  I have used this product and believe me, 

there is nothing like it.   (I just received my order for $115.00

 worth of product to

give to my loved ones)   Let me go down the list

 and tell you the things people

have used it on with success!  (If you think the synopsis is long, you should 

have seen the testimonies

 I requested that Julie send to me)  

(Scroll to bottom for the  link once you are convinced)



(latest use)

Tamed Coarse hair---rubbed it  on my palms

 and ran my fingers through my hair---Great Stuff!

 ECZEMA  ----Clears it.

Dry hands from gardening <---makes them new again.

PSORASIS AND DRY SKIN  <---works like nothing else

 Chemical  allergies affecting skin  <-----soothes and heals.

SKIN PEEL <---helped with recovery

 'BLEMISH' <---healed in two d ays

Cuts <----healed in two days

DIABETIC Feet <----heals them

2nd degree SUNBURN <---soothes and heals


 Psoriatic Arthritis <---healed dry skin that it causes

Chapped hands healed

Acne and hives---Cleared them up.

Great Lip Salve

Cleared Dry skin caused by a stroke-applied it six times a day.

Infected Thumb  <---healed fast

Dried/cracked lips <----healed in two hours

 Dry and cracked heels <----softens, then heals

Dry CUTICLES that were cracked and cut <----healed fast

Winter Rash that Swells <----Stopped the itching and helped the swelling go down.

 ECZEMA was 50% better Overnight!

DANDRUFF on my face around my nose and lips and eyebrows <---Cleared it

after many prescription creams failed.

 Cracking  and bleeding fingers from Lupus <----really helped and stopped the bleeding.

Leg Rash <------stopped it.

Dried hands from a blood disease <----Helped them a lot!

Wrinkles----She dabs salve on when one appears and they go away.

Arm burned with hot grease---<---applied salve and no blistering or pain.

Eczema hands cracking and bleeding <----Overnight one dab of salve and 

it was noticeably better. 

Fever cracked  lips <---Healed completely in two days.

Raw and bleeding legs from Eczema <------Amazing results in two weeks!

husband loves the salve for his PSORIASIS

Hands cracking and bleeding since I was a little girl <---small application of salve protects 

them for several days.

Tattoo  <----salve helped heal it fast.

Leg Eczema <----salve healed it and hair grew back on legs.

Dried Elbows <----Now smooth and soft

Cracked and painful thumb nail <---salve healed it after years of pain and irritation.

Upper lip chemical burn <----pain stopped and it healed fast.

Cracked and flaky ugly elbows <---Apply warm wet cloth and then the salve...Amazing results!

Nasty chronic hangnail <----healed with salve after years of trying other cures.

Puffy eyes <----salved healed them.

Dry lips and bumps on leg <---healed the lips  and helped the bumps. (just from the sample)

Burn <---almost healed from just the sample.

Scaly face and ear lobe, plus a cut  <-----almost healed with just the sample 

Dry, cracked and bleeding hands  <---she called it a miracle healer

Bug bite itch <------salve stopped the itch.

Hands split and wrinkled <----now from salve, smooth and soft.

A two year old with eczema stopped scratching after one application of salve.

Click here for link to free salve sample


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