Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poem for Jen and Jamie

Poem for Jen and Jamie

"Love Speaks"

My heart is filled by you.
Your words to me
A song.
A melody that
Carries us along.
Life shared
Is a jewel
That will never
Lose it's shine
As long as you are mine.
Take my hand, my love
As we step forward now
In love and trust
And share this vow.
Love is music
Music is love
Listen...Hear it play
In wondrous celebration
Of our very "special" day.

Written by Kesti

They were married on
October 10, 2009
at 5 PM in Las Vegas.


Jennifer said...

I made at least 2 of the guys there cry when I read it! Thank you so much it helped make our day even more special!

Kesti said...

You are so welcome, Jen. :)