Saturday, October 3, 2009

You can HEAL yourself!

You can HEAL yourself!

This miracle was taught to me by Eckhart Tolle. Before I tell you, I have to preface this by explaining to you how I used to be. I grew up with dreadful allergies and eczema. If I wasn’t itching I was sneezing or wheezing. It was no way to spend a childhood. It took 25 years before I finally gave up milk. Before I gave up milk I’d be sick an average of once every 4th week or so. Nyquil was a common drug for many years. After giving up milk I noticed that my nose quit clogging up. My skin would heal faster and my breathing loosened up a bit. I only fell to illness now every other month or so. I figured because I am a guitar teacher and am always around sick kids that it couldn’t be helped. This is until I learned this wonderful technique. I can now say that I haven’t fallen ill in almost 3 years. You may not believe me but I have nothing to prove or defend. I simply want to give back for this amazing feeling of heath that I now enjoy. Here’s what you do.

First off, quit fearing illness. You have to change your mind and know with every ounce of your being that your natural state is one of perfect health. Then do this technique every morning and then also before bed.

Lay down and close your eyes. Now I want you to feel your hands and feet from the inside. Don’t look at them or touch them physically. Act like you’re trying to prove that your hands and feet exist by experiencing the ‘feeling’ inside of them. You’ll notice a buzzing sensation. Don’t think, feel. Let this feeling grow into your legs and arms. Soon you can get the feeling throughout your whole body. If you have to, imagine a warm glowing light filling you up although this is only to help with the visualization. Try to keep this feeling inside you for at least a few minutes. At the end, let a wave of this feeling flow up and down your entire body a few times. This will immensely boost your immune system and since you’re essentially activating the full potential of your cells, repair of current issues and destruction of free radicals will take place. You are taking consciousness from your thoughts where it gets burned up and you’re allowing it to fill your body where it’s supposed to be. This will change your life.

Mike Geronsin Owner, Pitchfever Music Academy (Music Lessons)

A big thank you to Mike for Sharing this.


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