Saturday, April 23, 2011

Herb Biscuits

Herb Biscuits

These are delicious and healthy.
I just created these last week.

Beat four eggs with fork in 4 quart bowl.

Put one cup of whole milk in small bowl.
Add 3 Tablespoons dried chives
2 Tablespoons dried parsley
3 Tablespoons sesame seeds
1 Tablespoon Chia seeds
1 Tablespoon poppy seeds
1 Tablespoon dried Cilantro

Mix and set aside for a few minutes.
Add to eggs and mix well.

Add five cups of Bisquick to this and mix well.
Drop in spoonfuls into oblong cake pans that
you have melted 2 Tablespoons butter and 1/4 cup olive oil.
(I put the pans in the oven to melt for a few minutes)

Bake at 350ยบ for 25-30 Minutes until very brown.
Let them dry out. Perfect for soup or snacks.

Flavor is greater the second day.

Kesti 2011

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