Saturday, June 30, 2007

"Contentment of the Soul"

No matter who you are, how much you have, happiness is not guaranteed unless you have contentment of the soul.
Live so that you can truly love yourself. The ~Golden Rule~ is not biblical, but it sure helps you sleep at night.
If I have compromised my integrity during the day, I will guarantee you that I will not have a pleasant night or next day and on and on.
When the little voice says...Nu uh...don't do that. Listen to it.
We are each given a conscience, it is like a little wheel with sharp edges, if we keep spinning it, not caring what we do, we wear off the edges and it becomes smooth.
When you do mean and evil things and it doesn't bother you, your edges are smooth. That is the saddest thing I can think of happening to anyone.
Kes 2007 (Native americans wrote about such a wheel)

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