Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Died Today


I died today

And it was not at all

Like I thought

It was more like all the 

battles I had fought.

The ones to no avail

That stole away my life

And yet clutched me

by the throat 

And new ones followed

hidden in disguise

before my eyes

I couldn't see 

I only feel and it 

was real. 

Sarcastic mouths expound

and lies all around

To make of it  what

it just was not.

No one bears the pain

They only look for gain

And I falter under

Weights I should not bear

For the truth is they 

don't care.

I died today

But when I wake upon 

the morrow

Alone and wise

Devoid of  sorrow

Forget the past

I'll live at last.

Kes© 3-7-2009

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