Friday, April 10, 2009

Don't Feed The Monster!

You know who he is.

You know what he does.

AND you KNOW where he is at.

He is that glob of unwanted fat

that is inside and outside of you.

Whether he weighs one pound or 

200 pounds or more, he does not

deserve to have you cater to him.

Stop feeding him!

Eat what you need for yourself

and tell him where to go.

You know he likes "garbage food",

so  don't give  him any.

If you think of him as what he is and

separate him from yourself, it will be

easy to get him off of you.

He causes you nothing but trouble.

He exhausts you, makes you sick, 

hangs onto your internal organs, 

blimps out your body into ugly 

weird shapes and eventually will

make you die.

It doesn't matter why he got a hold 

on you. Loneliness, depression, crises,

he will use any excuse to jump you 

and hang on.  

Scrape that ugly bastard

off of your beautiful body. 

Don't give him one morsel.

Eat what you need and no more.

You KNOW  how much that is.


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