Tuesday, September 22, 2009



OK..I came up with this idea from
watching a dog on the Dave
Letterman show. Watch it and then
I will explain.

That video is not only funny, but it
shows how a dog can be trained
to completely relax on command.

You can train yourself to do this.

I know that one of my problems is that
I am "up tight" most of the time. This
causes health problems and discomfort
for me. Stress is a big killer as we all

Soooo...I started to train myself to relax.
On command. When I feel my neck tighten
Pain in my lower back from trapped gas,
pain in any part of my body, headaches,
indigestion, you name it, I think,


In that instant I have learned to become as
limp as that dog on the video . Talk about
a simple solution to a multitude of problems!!

This command will help you in traffic, sleep
problems, headaches, ever so many things.
I am serious. We all need to learn a

Just try it. You will thank me.


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