Wednesday, February 6, 2008

'I Will Teach You to Heal'

'I Will Teach You to Heal'

     Ok, all of you stiff necked skeptics may quit reading now,

and spare yourself from the  "eye rolling" stage.

The rest of you will learn some wonderful ways to 

relieve pain and heal your bodies.

Have you ever accidentally lifted your knee cap?

Ohhhh the pain!

What was the first thing you did?

I'll bet you sat down, put both hands and your head on 

your knee and rocked back and forth. 

Soon your knee felt almost normal again.  

The secret to healing, is to re-create that response in 

your brain and do the same thing to any part of 

your body that is suffering.

   Using that compassion and sympathy on yourself and

others ignites healing responses throughout  your body.

When a child gets hurt, what do you do?

You pick them up,

pat their back, kiss the owie and make nurturing sounds.

Stroking hair heals too.  Never use food to comfort someone,

use your voice, actions, stroking, touching, etc;

"It's ok...It will be ok...ohhhh, come here...Let me fix it...

I know it hurts...give me your hand...Let me help you...and so on.

  All promote healing.  For emotional healing, use your eyes as well.

Look at the person in their eyes. Show your sympathy 

with your eyes and touch.

Mellow soft voice.

If we were cats, dogs or monkeys we would add licking.  

   I am sure licking has lots of power.

The brain and body are amazing energy sources.  Think of what is involved 

each second that keeps us alive.  The body has that innate knowledge and we

can tap into it at will.  Drugs and pills confuse the bodies natural healing 

mechanisms.  Then you NEED the  pills.  What a sad state of affairs that is!

Why do you feel good when you hold or play with your pets?

You activate the healing power in yourself and your pet and you exchange

that positive energy.  Why does sobbing make you feel better?  Same thing..

activating healing energy.  Fake sobbing will do it too.

Each night twist each of your toes and give them thanks for keeping you 

balanced all day.  They work hard and need some appreciation. They will

tingle with joy that you noticed them.

     Do not be ashamed to stroke your entire body and help your 

mate with exchanged massage and murmerings.

Stretch often, yawn, relax.  Life is a gift...enjoy each moment.


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