Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fear is bringing a total economic collapse

Fear is bringing a total Economic Collapse.

Isn't it ironic that after all of the flack we have been 

taking for being greedy Americans that. we in f act 

were turning the wheels of the whole world's economy?

    Now that we are scared shitless to spend money on all

but necessities, we are creating a surge that will make the 

tsunami look like a water spout.

 Granted it was the "big money boys" who took away 

regulations that started the big wave, but there are not

enough borrowed trillions to stuff in the hole in the dike

to stop what is coming.  It is a house of cards. The less we buy

the more layoffs, 70,000 in one day?  Come on people, this is 

not a recession, it is a  depression coming like a bullet aimed at

our heads. One that will make the last one look

like a Sunday school picnic. They are too slow at getting any

 regulations by congress

to stop what is coming.  As usual, we have to do it ourselves.

If you have money, get out there and spend it.  Invest if you don't 

need anything.  You will lose it all anyhow if this doesn't stop.

I am going shopping.   


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