Tuesday, January 19, 2010

'My Precious Flower'

'My Precious Flower'

I'm sure it was only yesterday

When she was a tiny baby doll,

Giggling to her toes

Over a wind up chicken.

I don't know when it happened

I really don't.

But today she is a beautiful

Teenage girl.

She has dark hair

And sparkling brown eyes.

She shyly covers her face

With her hands

As charming laughter ripples from

Within her.

Adorable, with heart so pure

And loving.

She gently cares for tiny helpless animals

Pouring out buckets of affection on them.

She's bright and talented..

An artist, a violinist and dancer.

She said that she wished that everyone

Could pick the days that they wanted

To go to school.

She said she would never go...Creative too.

That really made me smile...

I feel so much love for her, and from her

When she hugs me and says, "Oh Gramma"

Now as she stands ready for life

May God drop bouquets of treasures

At her feet,

For she will never abuse them.

She will have a loving heart

Through all her life...

And will bring joy to all who know her.

My Loshi Lyn...

My love to you, dear one.

Kesti© April 6, 1987

(Loshi was 13 when I wrote this)

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