Thursday, December 4, 2008

Learn about Fragrance Allergies

Learn about Fragrance Allergies

I have been suffering from fragrance allergies for many years.

You may have them and not know what is causing headaches,

pressure behind your eyes, quick temper, fatigue,depression

itch and many

more symptoms.

If you know someone who always seems angry and they wear a

lot of fragrance, guess what?  They could be allergic to their own


If you seem to dislike someone and don't know why, it can be their


Certain smells make my head instantly fill up with pressure and pain.

I can change moods in seconds and I mean from nice to an angry 

unreasonable shrew before you can say your name.

I can't control it except to escape the smell. If I am exposed long enough,

the after affects can last for three days.  

I get lumps on my head that can last for years.  

There are millions who have fragrance allergies and soon there will be 

restrictions on fragrance just like on smoking.

(I can't wait)  

I recently read that fragrance may have a negative effect on male sexual performance

and that boys exposed to fragrance at a young age may have underdeveloped genitals.

Isn't  clean really the best smell?   We make companies rich at the cost of what?

You would have to experience the pressure inside of my head to understand

my anger at this useless product.  Don't cover bad odors with fragrance.  Clean them up.

People are very specific about what they think smells good. What are the odds that 

they may like your choice?

Angry Kes

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