Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Three Week Flu

The Three Week Flu

We are just now recovering from the worst flu germ we have ever had.

It comes on fast with bad cold symptoms.

It involves stuffed head, pain behind the eyes, endless nose dripping, bad cough, earaches, pain in

all muscles and bones

 of the body, total exhaustion,

 loss of appetite, dry skin, lots of sweating, feelings of 

detachment, need for sleep at all hours, lots of urination, dry nose and cold sores.

I may have forgotten some other symptoms

 as I don't feel too sharp even tho I now think

it is finally leaving my body.

     I began fighting it as soon as I felt the cold coming on.  Usually any one of the following

works but this germ got the full dose and I feel lucky to have survived.

I began by putting Kloss's  formula 

in my nose, a few drops a day for a week.  Then I sipped water with oil of oregano in it.  (6 drops per 16 ounces of water). I made three batches of soup, (one batch per week) with an entire BULB of garlic and  one Whole onion, in each batch,

 added to kill germs.

I made, chicken, beef and beef cabbage soup.

  I had water boiling on the stove to keep the 

air moist so we could breathe.  I did meditation and prayer each day.  We took hot showers.

We slept whenever we  were  too weak to do otherwise.  We had several bouts of sweating when we thought it had finally run the course, only to find it hadn't. We gargled with oil of oregano water which stopped the sore throat. Each day we look at each other and talk about our symptoms and shake our heads that it keeps tormenting us.  My husband got it three days before I did and he is getting stronger now so I have hope.  I also drank four glasses per day of Emergen-C containing one  gram of C each plus lots of vitamins.  My husband drank grape juice each day.  We also ate grapefruit some mornings.  It is all kinda hazy but I think I remember most of it.  

We couldn't believe it hung on so long.  

 As soon as we are able, we will scrub down the entire house and steam the rooms with our floor steamer so as to make sure the germ is gone 

before we allow any guests over to visit.  Stay away from crowds. Keep your hands washed and keep them away from your  face.  I pray that you will never get this  persistent flu germ.


Click to find out where the flu is in your area.

Click  here  for map.

Flu germs can live on dry surfaces for 48 hours.

(door knobs, shopping carts, etc;)

I used aloe vera juice for earache.

Click for directions

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