Friday, December 12, 2008

Write A Book!

Write A Book!

After skimming over the blog, "Living a Dream" I realized that if you wanted 

to write a book about your life to leave for your children, this would be an easy,

wonderful way to do it.  The date, time, is automatically recorded, the ease with 

which you can upload photos, all make it an easy habit to get into. What a legacy to

leave to your children.  I think if you want privacy, you can set it up so only those you

want to see it can have access.  I keep a hit and miss record on my own hard drive but

I find my blog helps me find my recipes and health information fast and easy. 

Give it a thought, to keep a "book" online.  You can easily copy it and put it on your hard drive as well when you decide to.  (maybe someday print it out for gifts) :)

One fellow wrote to me that he printed out all of my site pages to give to his family as he

so treasured the health information he found there.  I was so pleased that I cried for an hour.

We need more sharers in the world.  It is what makes life worth living.  


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