Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"Here I Stand"

Here I stand
All Ragged and dirty
When the boys
Come to kiss me
I'll run like
a Turkey.

HAHAHA.....My Gramma taught me that.  I was thinking about her last night and remembering the old outhouse on her farm.  It was down a path that curved away from the house.  If you haven't experienced an "outhouse" adventure, you have missed out on a truly wonderful  human experience.
It was always quiet in the outhouse and you could think your own thoughts and day dream as you sat looking around at the weathered wood with knot holes in the boards.  A very comforting place.
The path that led to it was a well worn narrow path with wild flowers on each side, millions of trilliums in the spring, the fresh smell of dew on all sorts of trees and bushes.   Little animals scurrying in the tall grass.   I was afraid that someday I might see a bear but I never did. 
     The outhouse smell was not bad, just an earthy smell.  Gramma would pour lye or lime down the holes every once in awhile.  It was grey powdery stuff anyhow.  
     An old sears catalog was in the outhouse for reading or wiping.  Dried corn cobs that had been stripped of corn were there as well.  (never did use one of those) haha
     My older sister used to hide out in the outhouse when it was time to do the dishes.  Gramma and I didn't care.  It was our special time to visit.  Sis would stroll in and act surprised that the dishes were all washed and put away.  She always did this.  Did she think we didn't notice?  hahahaha 
     It was a standard rule that you weren't to bother anyone when they were in the outhouse.
If the wooden latch wasn't turned at lock, you knew it was occupied.  No knocking on the door was permitted.  It was a slower time back then.  I miss it.  No one was ever in a hurry.  Just a steady movement doing chores, knitting by the fire, reading a book, singing hymns in the evening.  No one today knows that peace, I am sure.  Now we are all busy as beavers doing nothing that important.  If it were legal, I would have an outhouse built in my back yard.  No holes, just a bench, an old sears catalog, and maybe a few corn cobs.


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